Information Age ~25
Birthdate TBA
Gender Male
Species Technic

Occupation N/A

Voice Alex Trimble
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It's perfect panic down here, love

Character Identification .... CONNIFER

Connifer is Asher's best friend and foil essentially, contrasting Ashers hotheadedness & disdain for others with people-pleasing and a tendency to admittedly be overly nice at times. He's pretty much the comforter/mediator/motivator friend type..

Deep down he does feel the same as Asher sometimes, or at least something close to his mindset, especially due to resentment built up over the years of being treated basically like garbage by asher though Connie knows he doesn't mean to act that way. In reality he's this close to giving up on asher but he perserveres nonetheless, for what gain though he doesn't know or quite understand. Really, despite everything he's still ashers friend and he does love him a lot.

His screen is similar to a digital LED clock (though the material isn't exactly LED as that isn't a thing in this universe) and its segmented lines allow him to communicate computer emoticons depending on what he's feeling at the time (which he can control and manipulate as he pleases) or simple words/phrases (E.G "hello" or "yes" & "no") though that's less common and more for gestures sake. If he were human it'd essentially just be his head and face.

Trivia And Fun Facts

  • His voice has a digital tinge to it (think bitcrushing) and apparently has anomalous properties or something because i don't know where it would come from. Maybe a speaker on his back or something
  • His name was supposed to be a letter swap of the tree name ("coniffer") but then i actually learned how to spell that. Now it's just like that for aesthetic purposes

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    I legitimately don't know where i put my art of this guy the only image i have is his playlist icon

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