Information Age ?
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Occupation N/A

Voice ?

For of sugar and ice, I am made

Character Identification .... WELTEISLEHRE

WELTEISLehre is a miserable being. They're made of a fragile snowflake-like molecular structure that constantly and perpetually dissolves and rebuilds itself every second and they're miserable because they can't ultimately die and end it; they're essentially dying and reincarnating over and over already.

They speak in a low tone, maybe almost a whisper or a rasp of sorts. Their voice itself is pretty indescribable as it's everchanging and sounds pretty much like 3~4 people overlapping though not the "movie demon" cliche but more big chorus where you can't exactly pinpoint a single voice because they blend together seamlessly enough. Despite this it's pretty distinct sounding, you'd recognize them if they spoke.

They're pretty apathetic towards everything (outwardly at least) though not in like a nihilistic asshole way..more just that they can't care enough because they're emotionally numb. They spend their days usually just meandering around the icecaps when they can gather the strength for it or, more likely, sitting/laying down in one place for lengthy periods of time.

Trivia And Fun Facts

  • This guy was the first official NGEH character (no stupid idiot doesn't count because hes moved stories like 3 times). They existed even before asher(!)
  • Their name used to just be "Apathy" but then I changed it because thats so boooooring. I thought Welteislehre fit because world ice etc.. plus it's a pretty fascinating idea to me (though a little silly too). I mostly just call them welt though
  • They "melt" when they come in contact with water and dissolve into basically just blood. They often utilize this aspect of themself for self-harm ("to feel something")

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