Denizens make up the majority of those inhabiting Babylon. They are humanoid in nature and similar in many ways to humans from the early 21st century, though they aren't exactly the same.
Appearance-wise, their skin (no matter their ethnicity or race) is unnaturally pale, almost an off-white, with various technicolor rings around their limbs and extremities. Their hair has commonly one of two colors: stark white, or the same color as their rings.
The rings can be symbolic of limbs lost or just there for decorative purposes, and every Denizen is born with a set number of rings. Their inherited rings are more noticeable than acquired ones, which can take months or years to show up even slightly, and fade as time goes on. They could also be considered "blood spots" (think broken blood vessels) as they are the same color as their blood, though a shade lighter.
Their irises and pupils can only be seen in certain light conditions (think UV) and they are the same color as their blood. Their pupils are white and their irises "blend in" a bit with their pupils, making it seem like their eye is one solid color. Due to this, Denizens are more prone to eyesight conditions such as cataracts. Their bottom waterlines are the same color as their blood as well.

Despite their numerous similarities between humans (including but not limited to culture, appearance, and language), Denizens posess characteristics that could be considered "more advanced". They posess regenerative abilities with speeds depending on the part lost (E.G a finger growing back within half an hour, a leg growing back within 1~2 days) and are able to withstand a blow to anything except their neck, though they still feel considerable pain and often have low pain tolerances.
Though their neck is their only real weak point, they can still take a hit to it as long as it's blunt. If it's chopped off or cut in any way (excluding menial scratches and scrapes, think more like slicing), they're unfortunately set to bleed out and die. Regardless, they have a similar natural lifespan to humans (about 75~80yrs), and they age at nearly the same rate.


its the tv headsWOW