Tyler "Orion" Hazzard

feb 3 24

16 years old
Feb 4 1990 - May 2006
Born in Florence, AZ

Tyler is skinny and stands at 5'3. She has tan skin, light brown eyes, and mid-back-length dyed hair with grown-out black roots, as well as side bangs that cover her right eye. She has stud snake bite piercings, double helix piercings (usually small hoops), upper lobe piercings, and (usually spike) lobe piercings. Her standard lobe piercings are usually switched out with ones that dangle. She has three star-shaped scars on her right wrist and various other scars on her thighs, wrists, arms, and ribs.

Tyler wears flashy, scene-oriented androgynous fashion. She's a big fan of scene/rave culture and frequently wears Kandi bracelets. She is usually seen wearing a black leather choker and her nails are always painted various colors, typically black or rainbow.

Her primary outfit includes a large light purple crop top with a skull graphic and blue striped sleeves, a black undershirt, ripped black skinny jeans with various multicolored patches and two rainbow wallet chain type accesories on her right side, and hot pink knee high sneakers with decorated laces.

Her secondary outfit includes a black sweater with rolled up sleeves, fishnets from her collarbones to her ankles, red jean shorts with a black wallet chain type accessory on her left side, and black knee high sneakers.

Her death outfit includes a large black tanktop and black gym shorts with white edges and an untied white lace.

Tyler's voice is shrill and harsh on the ears at times. She often draws out her words for dramatic effect. Her tone of voice is naturally loud and typically sounds a bit whiny, and her speech pattern is a cross between a scene kid's and a valley girl's.

Samples will show up here when i figure out her vc

Tyler is incredibly emotional and acts like a typical "mean girl", usually ending up being labelled as a drama queen. She often tries to present herself as higher than the rest and will dress and act flirtatiously to get attention. Mostly online, although not just limited to that, she's been known to suicide bait and harass others (e.g by telling them to kill themselves or not respecting their boundaries) as a way to take out her insecurities on others. She can get very passive aggressive when she's angry and will usually resort to insulting things people can't control (their appearance, voice, etc.). Despite all of this, she's incredibly suicidal and struggles with plenty of mental issues, viewing herself to be lower than others.

whateverrrr man. who give a shit

Alexander Deane

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