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"And I’ll be okay, okay? Okay, okay? Okay? Okay."

afab intersex
5'4.5 bordering underweight
born aug. 1st
vc jack conte

you is a 16- (or 19/20ish- outside of the game*) year-old with a fascination for the paranormal.

he has wide red eyes and short, messy black hair with two large shoulder-length sections on each side. his skin is almost unnaturally pale and his nails are pure black. he wears bandages on his arms from his carpal bones to his shoulders and on his chest from roughly his 9th rib to his 3rd, as well as a few wrapped around his right shoulder that connect to his chest bandages. his ribcage and hip bones are somewhat visible due to his weight. he has numerous scars of varying severity on his arms from his wrists to halfway up his upper arms, the most notable being T-shaped scars on the ventral sides of his forearms.


hes a kindhearted boy who, for the most part, perceives things differently than others, leading him to be labelled as 'abnormal' or 'weird'. he doesnt speak very often, usually only when spoken to, and even then he isnt good at holding "normal" conversations for long. he experiences a sort of blunted affect and speaks very gently, almost trying to seem comforting, often repeating words and phrases. his speech can be very cryptic and usually doesnt make sense to anyone but him. he likes to keep to himself, not going out of his way to socialize with others - he doesnt exactly have much of a desire to make friends or build/maintain relationships of any kind, thus having no reason to socialize beyond small talk (or whatever the other person is trying to talk to him about).

he could be described as apathetic - he usually doesnt feel much emotion-wise, if anything at all. he doesnt exactly show much outward emotion either aside from potentially looking surprised or shocked all the time due to how wide his eyes are. despite this, he does try to act as warmly as he can around others; basically if someone were to just walk up and start talking to him he wouldnt back out or try being rude to get out of talking. he would try his best to keep up the conversation with as much friendliness as hes capable of showing.

he frequently has episodes of paranoia and what could be considered derealization and/or depersonalization. he often sees, feels, and hears things that wouldnt be visible to others, some of which being extremely upsetting to him due to their nature, although these experiences are pretty sporadic. he has frequent nightmares and thus doesnt like to sleep, often staying awake for days on end. as you could probably tell, this makes his conditions worse, resulting in more paranoia and more breakdowns (for lack of a better word). he has, in the past, tried telling others about his situation, only to be met with disbelief and being dismissed due to the way he acts. hes been called a liar for this (among other things but thats the most prominent) multiple times, and this of course furthered his social detachment and isolation.

when not in school, he mainly just stays in his room all day reading or tinkering with his abundance of paranormal memorabilia. he even made his own ouija board!

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