What's for breakfast tomorrow?       $2.99

(Image subject to change)

Webholder's Info

NAMECain Eulogy
SUBTYPECat-thing (not really)
HOBBIESDrawing, writing, reading...
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Best viewed on Windows & Firefox with a 16:9 display

Welcome to Tomorrowsbreakfast, an archive to share my creations with the world. here you'll find my artwork, games I've made/worked on over the years, my original characters, alternate universes I've cooked up, info about me, etc. etc. etc. (most of that isn't implemented though)

This web site is a perpetual work in progress so it may not be much now but there's more to come in the future, hopefully. I tend to work on this site pretty sporadically so don't expect everything to work, or certain things to not work, etc.

Maybe think of it as an extension of myself.. an extra limb, an unneeded organ (e.g the appendix). Something like that..maybe an extra brain lobe..some sort of graphical interface implanted directly into your mind from mine (hehe)...just have fun with it!

Please Rember That Wen U Feel Scare Or Frigten Never Forget Ttimes Wen U Feeled Happy
Wen Day Is Dark Alway Rember Happy Day

Running on a Treadmill

Chapter 5 Start Again
Within the span of two years, easy-going web dev Cait Erwaal gets strung along hand in hand by her coworker, who could very well be her polar opposite, high-strung computer nerd Edward Nygma—hijinks (and riddles, eventually) ensue.

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<- These are both of my buttons hotlink them if you so please.
Theyre outdated as shit remind me to make a new one then ill have 3
Cain is discussing electronics and engineering with Edward Nygma from Batman Forever


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mobile game:


My ponyville looks shit but it's fine. i play an unhealthy amount so i'd be beneficial to you

Tomorrowsbreakfast.neocities.org est@5.2023